Emergency Drinks

From actress to acclaimed chef, Leslie Durso spills the beans on her adventure

April 08, 2020 Diana Edelman Season 1 Episode 2

Plant-based chef Leslie Durso joins Vegans, Baby's Diana Edelman to chat about her career in acting and working with Bill Nye, The Science Guy and then following her passion to become a plant-based chef. Today, she works with high-end hotels to create plant-based menus and meet the growing demand for whole plant cuisine and hosts retreats in Mexico and Italy. Get the scoop on how she got there, plus her adventures along the way.

For show notes, check out The Good Fork.

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spk_0:   0:06
are you looking to save a little cash right now? I know I am. So I have some great deals for you. Daily Harvest

spk_1:   0:14
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when you use code vegans, baby, and check out they are and all organic, all natural meal prep service. So you get cups of beautiful smoothies and bulls and savory and sweet, and I absolutely love them. There's also some

spk_1:   0:33
deals right now over at Vegan Cuts,

spk_0:   0:35
and they do subscription boxes like snack boxes and beauty boxes and even right now, a quarantine box. So head over to vegan cuts dot com and use code Vegans, Baby, just save a little money there. And if you're in the mood to shop, I actually have a whole shop on Amazon with some of my favorite products. It's amazon dot com slash shop slash begins baby head on over. Check it out and enjoy some shopping. You're listening to the Good Fork with host Diana Edelman of Vegans baby from Las Vegas, Nevada. Interesting conversations, interesting people for more. Head over to vegans baby dot com after the episode. Hey, guys. Welcome Thio. Um, my chat with Lesley Gore. So if you guys don't know, I'm actually launching a podcast and it is called the Good Fork. And Leslie is one of my first guest on there. I Jessica posting on the other day. And now I have the amazing less leader. So here, um So basically, the good fork is a conversation about food, life and travel with a little plant based angle to it. So, lastly, here is an amazing chef, dear friend, and, um, we're just gonna chat today because I know it's quarantine, and it's it's not fun. And if I'm gonna get quarantine with someone, it probably wanted We quarantine with this one because she's super fun. So Hi, Leslie. Thank you for having me on. And I appreciate it,

spk_1:   2:16
of course, thinking for giving me a reason, Thio, you know, get out of my sweats in the kitchen and get in front of the computer. Oh, yeah, of course.

spk_0:   2:24
No problem. So if you don't, if you're not familiar with Leslie Leslie Actually, not only are you a chef, you are Are you an actress? Still former actress. What do we What do we call you?

spk_1:   2:35
A former for sure have. Although I did do a movie last year, which is coming out in May, I think it's time for my friend, but I am not. And that's it along, okay, Suffering videos

spk_0:   2:51
Well, and that is very we're going to talk about that. But you actually so did not know you were a former so proper actress. And I was telling Leslie before he went live that when I was a kid, I loved soap operas and I actually wanted to be like an Emmy Award winning soap opera actress. Looks is Moochie. I started

spk_1:   3:09
acting like, Oh my God, I live is crying right now. What? Do anything, girl? I mean, I'm literally like I cry

spk_0:   3:16
every second on and off. So I mean, you could leave you like, Yeah, I mean, we can cry together if it makes you feel if you want.

spk_1:   3:23
No, honey, I'm not normal soap opera acting situation did not know.

spk_0:   3:30
Oh, well, I mean, cry on demand. You can cry on demand. Let let's keep this like. Not to worry, though, because I'll just sympathy cry with you, even if it's

spk_1:   3:39
no, let's keep it happened. It will keep you happy.

spk_0:   3:41
So you're honest of opera, and I love that. And then you were Bill Nye's science

spk_1:   3:46
girl. I WASI was Leslie the lab girl. Bad girl, Bill, which he's amazing. That was such a fun show. And that's what led me to get into education. It was actually Bill who was like, You should you should go in food. That should be your thing, because that's all you talk about.

spk_0:   4:01
So before that, Like, Okay. Do you have a background in science, like are you? Sounds okay. How much did you learn while you were on That

spk_1:   4:09
was an actor? Well, I learned tremendous amount. I did. I mean, obviously, we're we're talking about science. We're doing science. And so I obviously learned a tremendous amount about that and that I've always been a nutrition nerd. I have a bunch of doctors in my family, So medicine and nutrition is always something that's been of a lot of interest to me. So, um, just applying that to food was kind of the next step. I had already been began for a long time. I stopped eating meat when I was seven years old. And so the idea of these superfoods and the chemistry of your body and what your body needs in order to function properly and to perform at optimal levels was so fascinating to me that I just dove right in on, and it's been a like fashion ever since.

spk_0:   4:58
So, like, when did you start cooking?

spk_1:   5:02
Well, I'm Italian, So I started cooking with soon as I could stand.

spk_0:   5:06
What was the first dish you've ever cooked?

spk_1:   5:09
You know, I don't remember specifically very first dish, but I have a lot of memories with the great grandmother and my grandmother in a church in rolling out positive cheats. My great grandmother putting her hands over mine on the little and rolling it out so I could feel the thickness and getting my hands in there doing the techniques s O. That is probably my first Newell memory of cooking. But I'm sure there's so many dishes. There's someone editions. My dad used to say that I was gonna be coming stuff when I was a kid, which is funny that it came true. Yeah, because I was like, No way are you seeing this actor considered that and, uh, before, like the idea of horrible. But I used to make all of this salad art so I would make like a big giant sound for everybody. But I would cut all the vegetables and shapes and designs and make it all beautiful. Like your grandma had a book on my couch Car. Vegetables.

spk_0:   6:08
Oh, my, that's amazing.

spk_1:   6:09
Were they, like, seven years old, like carving all the vegetables, making a ball pretty with this, Alan,

spk_0:   6:16
my mom used to make radishes and turn them into roses, and I would only eat the road crashes like that was that was the only thing. But I'm like, Please make rose radishes and, you know, I don't know how to do them because Megan and I were like, horrible news together, like, I won't do it, but, you know, and

spk_1:   6:32
it takes a little extra effort. But I have to say, if you have kids, kids find it so fascinating They would much rather eat and Rose ran ish than a regular radish, right?

spk_0:   6:40
Yeah, totally. Oh, just a quick reminder for you guys. If you have questions, drop him in the comments and everyone that does have a question. I'll send you a discount for $25 off of Delia Harvest. And, uh, it's my new favorite thing

spk_1:   6:53
happening, Andy, these days,

spk_0:   6:54
right? Like I don't cook. So I mean, I mean, I'm starting to cook a little bit, but also, I don't cook, and he's just come in like a nice little cop and their fruits and veggies, and you stick him in the microwave. Herb Lindholm and Boom, you're done. So I love it. And I don't have to wait like, however long for my insta card, because I think I went to order Instacart like, two days ago, and I couldn't get until Sunday.

spk_1:   7:15
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Everybody's so backed up. And, you know, God bless all of those people out there trying to get food to people. Keep keep it going. Yeah. Healthy.

spk_0:   7:26
Yeah. Okay. Sorry. I digress. So Okay, so when you were with what was it like like hanging out Bill Nye? Because he got, like, a few years ago, like he got super cool. Now he's like, that

spk_1:   7:40
wasn't quite a school. Yeah. Yeah, he steers the coolest guy is always amazing to me that we would like, go do man on the street stock. Yeah, and supercool teenage kids would walk by, like, lose their minds when they saw him lose their minds. And I was like, Oh, my God, the effect that this man has on people is so incredible. Yeah, and he just He was always so positive. It's a patient with all of them and talk to all of them. And everyone kept talking about how he changed their lives because they got he got interested in science. And so it's like, You know what? I want to get people interested in food and healthy. Yeah, so

spk_0:   8:22
So Okay, how did you start so once? Once you left Bill Nye. And you're like, OK, I want to get people interested in food like you cooked. But like how? Like, how did things change for you once that happened?

spk_1:   8:32
Yes. Obviously, there's a big difference between just being at home cooking yet decided to become a shaft. Yeah, and there was no There was no vegan culinary school when I decided t go into this. And so I was like, Well, great. Now what? So instead, I was traveling a ton still work. I was still doing oddball shows doing somewhere with that G own history. And so I would take classes and internships all over the world with shops and restaurants and just learn. Go to the markets. I mean took with Burma's and Italy and brew and cook with professional shocks, top shops and just learn as much as I could possibly learn about food and food combinations and techniques and sauces, and then I kind of mixed, um, altogether created my own sort of style.

spk_0:   9:24
So how did you get with these chefs? So would you just, like, go to Italy and just start like talking to people and go into restaurants and meeting

spk_1:   9:31
really easy? Because her mother is the best chef ever leaving? Well, yes, it was just I was just friends is just going to restaurants, loving the few talking to the chef's saying, Hey, can I come with you? How'd you do this? What's this, lovey? It's from the day in the kitchen, with your work free and just hustling a few of them I found online, and before I got to the destination and reached out and said, Your Russian, it's incredible when I come shadow you and work in the kitchen. Uh, but yeah, just kind of a variety of different ways. But I love cooking with Grandma's. I think that they have more knowledge of stinky than anyone because that was kind of the last generation of of people in the homes in our country. In other countries, it's still happening more. But the last generation of people really making three meals a day, seven days a week, cooking all their own ingredients that they've been growing in their gardens and really just like creating their family culture recipes. I think that's so cool. I have a collection of all my family recipe is on, and it's like one of my favorite things in the entire universe. That's so somebody. New recipes aren't written down. And yes, those you're about these lost recipes is so tragic that these recipes were dying with people. So if you, uh if you have their parents appearance that are still alive, please talk to them about food. Please ask them about their favorite dish is going up try, and even if they don't have the rest of you right now and they don't know how to make it, try and get a best description union from your from your parents, I'll help you if you email me and say, Look, these are the ingredients. This is what they call the dish. I'll try and help come up with the rest of peace and that it won't die because it's just It's so sad when those cultural things yeah, kind of path. Lan,

spk_0:   11:24
it's so true. So Okay, well, you know, how many countries did you go to while you are on this path?

spk_1:   11:30
I mean, I'm still half even now. When I go to a new country, I will meet up with shops again, do some people. Um, so yeah, I don't know a lot. I don't have any idea how many countries. So what's so bad? I bet you could name exactly happened. You've been to

spk_0:   11:43
know Well, I did the number the other week cause I was just trying to like you because we like Oh, I've been so excellent countries, and I'm like, how many have been thio? And I think I don't remember the full count. But when I, like, quit my job to go backpacking and travel, I did. I think it was 15 countries in 6.5 months and that while I so I may be like a little more than double that, but

spk_1:   12:07
I think a lot. But I also have to say I goto this same countries a lot of times. You know, I work down in Mexico and have Mexico four or five or six times a year. I work in Italy and some in Italy a few times a year s. Oh, when I find a place I really love going back to get if I fall in love with it because I think that there's this beautiful thing about creating community outside of your hometown. Yes. So to go to this little city that I go to Italy and have family there and have super close friends in the walk in the town And no everyone that every shop, it's just it's a really beautiful thing t create somewhere else in the world. And so I highly, highly verge, even if you can't go too far. Even in the neighboring town of you have ST United States air so amusing and they're so unexplored by most Americans, I'm I'm lucky enough that I've gotten travel extensively in the United States. Uh, but I still keep wanting to explain. So when he cools, think

spk_0:   13:07
there really are And the thing you said about like, you know, having like, other like it's almost like having a home away from home. But it really puts things in perspective for you. You know, when I go back to places I know Mike Hey, and it's just it's his comfort of like, you know, you could be in a completely different world, but they're so like there's a piece of you in all of those places. Scylla and I love that. It's It's part of, like the beauty of being able to travel and returning to places you love. Um,

spk_1:   13:31
yeah, picture.

spk_0:   13:33
So, like when you were in the beginning, when you first started like, what was the country where you were just like the most like, awestruck by the cooking

spk_1:   13:43
My God is so money on. It happened within a couple of your period that I went thio the bulk of the store. I mean, Italy will always have my heart, but I was really blown away by peruse this angry. I've spent quite a bit of time down there. The variety of produce down there is the same. It's the most fertile ground on Earth. And so they grow everything that goes 3500 varieties of potatoes. Oh my God Only thinks in the entire world that I can go to go to the farmer's market, stand in front of a stall and only recognize about an eighth of what I'm looking at. Oh, that's Sadio. So amazing. And so I would go to the markets and I would go to the fruit stand and be like, Okay, I don't need the strawberries. I don't need the boozers. Give me one of everything else and I would just go back to my room and I opened them all up and taste them and try and figure out what they were and how to eat them. I didn't bite my my friends over, like, What is all this stuff and how do you use it? And what to call because I didn't want anything was cold. And so it was a Google image ng trying to figure out what these these items were. It's just so cruel Thio way eat such a small amount of what's available Well, there are over 25,000 edible plans out there and we? I mean, how many do you consider a couple dozen on regular? Yeah, it's a freezing hope that. I mean, maybe that's something that that will come out of this time of contemplation is that we can have my more diverse It's being going over the world. I mean, we're so into model crops that the bodies burn the corn in this villa. We in the United States, Maybe we could mix it up. Yeah, you can. You know, we don't need to go 3500 varieties of potatoes that maybe we could grow 20 or 30.

spk_0:   15:34
So what's a variety of potato that that you've had that we probably like Leslie been to Peru? We wouldn't have had,

spk_1:   15:41
Um Okay, so there's this potato are outta call. It is literally bright. Neon red. Okay. On red Has yellow lightning strike stray shit. It is cool looking potato in the entire united colors. These potatoes, it's purple yellow are, um you know how they all come together. It's just it's it's simple.

spk_0:   16:07
What does it taste like? What's the texture?

spk_1:   16:11
It's like a potato. Okay, Someone like a wrote the potato were, you know, like it's got that night. It's not a fluffy texture inside that I'm looking for a nice close, your potato texture all right, that is so brutal. And also Thailand E. I know you love type as well. Thailand has the chip special place in my heart. I guess when I went, how I went, why I went my great aunt Rose had been to almost all the countries in the world, and she and I were very, very close when she passed away before she passed away. I was with my cousin and we asked her, Where's your favorite place? The wet, what was the most beautiful place you've ever experienced? And she said, The islands in Thailand with the most incredible thing I've ever seen. And they also said that I looked at my president, were like, we're going to Thailand and another kind of my sister joined and we just had the greatest time exploring. But the food there I was blown away with especially northern Thailand mind

spk_0:   17:15
man that Kao soI

spk_1:   17:17
racing. But thank you so so vegan friendly free,

spk_0:   17:23
isn't it? It's ridiculous, like I used to always. I wasn't begin when I lived in Thailand, but going back now is vegan. I just I just wanna eat everything. Like I'll get excited for, like, a week before the trip, just knowing I'm gonna have, like, the best freshest food there is, like, a soon as I land in Bangkok. It's so far.

spk_1:   17:41
Yeah, I would love to love, to love, to go back. Really loved it around.

spk_0:   17:44
We should go once we can travel again because I'm gonna need a vacation after all of it. Like I'm

spk_1:   17:50
looking for that question for you. Yeah. What? What were slice? You're going to go?

spk_0:   17:54
Well, depending on when, um, it's probably going to be New York L a Madrid would be depending on wet because I have a ticket to New York and May cause we were doing the James Beard dinner. They're in the middle of May, which obviously now is Oh, no,

spk_1:   18:11
no, I was just in New York right now.

spk_0:   18:14
I love New York, but so New York, like, even if James Beard is cancelled and like the world is right, put itself back on, whatever way we're supposed to be going, I want to go to New York is like I have such like a good energy there that I just feel so vibrant and alive. L a. To go see people like you and a couple other friends or Madrid because in theory, I have a tour there in June. It's on hold, but also I just I used to live there and I went there a couple months ago, and it just like it reminded me of like who I was that it's just a very nice, humbling thing to go back to, like the roots of like where you used to be in going back now is the person you are. So those three are like top of my list, depending on when, um, otherwise

spk_1:   18:52

spk_0:   18:53
beauty to my parents, because I missed AM and I want a mom and dad look simple bad right now.

spk_1:   18:58
I know, isn't it? The works have been skyping base, having with lying constantly and like I just liver.

spk_0:   19:05
Don't your arms feel weird? Like, I just feel like there's like this, like empty spot, like on my arms, where it's like you just need to, like, hug and might. I love my dog and I love my cats, but it's not a human hug, so

spk_1:   19:18
I know my poor dog. I've literally been snuggling so much, There's just holding on to him. Oh, infection. Because they have a total physical touch person. And so it's like, I want to help my friends and family. I want to help everybody at that. I don't have my dog instead

spk_0:   19:36
Oh, yeah, I'm hugging my dog and then, like, you know, we're gonna keep this totally happy, But I'm not gonna lie like Ugly cried a few times. And every time I'm, like final comes right up like a low just has to lick my face and love me And it is like I got him right after Thanksgiving and I am so glad I have him because, honestly, I don't know how I would do like by myself in my apartment every day. And I love my cats. Not the same love is my dog,

spk_1:   20:01
So yeah, like a cz. Muchas cats are fantastic. They can never can never love you like a dog. You

spk_0:   20:08
know, that's like I've never known a love like that. And everyone's like, you know, you gotta love them equally like I do, but it's just a different love. Like this is like He loves me, and he's not gonna not love me. You know, my cats, like, you know, we love you when we want to love you most. The time

spk_1:   20:23
that worried the cat is like it's a very, uh, stay temporary action. Your dog is a constant affection.

spk_0:   20:31
It's Yeah, I'm said, like he's sitting next to you right now, and I keep looking over just to say hi. Um, as you so good. I'm sure he'll come over. It's important, Like, need to invade the conversation. Um, he'll get jealous. He gets super jealous, but yeah, So those are the places I want to go. Um, All right. So tell me. I guess I want to know more about your back near your how how did you get from traveling and making recipes and and cooking to where you are now And you are a shepherd? Four seasons. You leave like trips and cooking, and you have a new hand sanitizer line like you're doing all these things for people out there Like I feel like now is a great time when you're stuck at home to go after that big idea. So, like, how did you take your idea and like, turning into

spk_1:   21:21
Yeah, well, it of all it evolved for here. I knew I wanted to become a shot, and I knew that I didn't wanna work all their in my day. I love being in Russia, but the idea of cooking the same thing every day for the little body I have to stay created. Sure, Um, and doing new things. So I started oblong when I decided to become a shop. What? You just did You know that document, the journey and logo like people read it so weird. It was so weird. And so that kind of gave me a little bit, too to start doing, like, you know, some like endorsement stuff and just starting to make money through the food world. Because I became a shop in the time of my life where I like hit rock bought up in my personal life. And so I was tryingto rebuild myself and decided I would do it in a whole new career. On dhe s O. I was also really blessed. I'm not gonna let having a background in television was very helpful, so I was able to go on to a lot of the show's on. Come on. As a personality, I, uh guess, judge the vegan episode of Cupcake Wars on the network and got to do a couple other food network shows. And, um, that was very helpful. Very helpful. So if you can start with a entertainment for and then moving to food. But it also it also will be back a little bit, because also, like, I remember the first time I did Ellie. Why? They were like, Who is this so back to us that things that she can cook? Yeah, actually, Kerry Simon, do you remember Kerry? Simon the chef? I mean, rested p is Yeah, he passed away, but Carrie was the first person that came over to me. A cz appears a professional, had my food and was like, This is really good. Then you're gonna be really good at this. And I was like, Oh, it meant everything to me. That's everything to me on. So I will always I was so sad when he passed away a few years ago. But I will never forget that moment in my life. Always shining courage people. When I beat that because you know, it's a hard thing to do and especially starting over it. And I wasn't a spring chicken that wasn't 19 years old in some hot shot shot of Yeah, I was. I won't say how well that was, but I was a baby, so yeah, that that really meant a lot to me and then it just can't build it again. And then I started doing cheap hotels and consulting, and I was doing recipe development for companies in creating different products for them. I've done different product lines from some burritos, ice screens, all sorts of different things in the food space. And then I started doing recipes for restaurants on that ledge, doing a boutique hotel, which then turned into doing bigger hotels, which led to doing forces it. Yeah, which is just such a pleasure. I love doing the hotel's love working with them, I think because and you can relate to this because, as in Traveller and someone that loves travel so much, it is so hard to find basic. He can hear that, and I on the other team members Yes, Goto Thailand. Great. Yes, you can go to 1,000,000 Vegan Restaurant for lunch and dinner But what do you have for breakfast? That hotel has fresh fruit. You have fractured. But what if you like having movement for sure, yes. And so it's It's so fun for me to work with the hotels, to be able to free the whole story, and I do the plant based busy. But I also do a lot of the other dietary restrictions. I focus on that free and free all of those all of those things, not necessarily the same time. But Thio do things like to be able to create peanut free kitchens on properties so that kids with peanut free allergies come on vacation, sometimes for the first times in their lives, because they know that they're going to be staged to eat at that properties. So it's really cool that I really love it. And you also forget how many lactose intolerant Children there are in the world. Yeah, and let me growing up. Um, I hate if I like sorbet, but if I hear one more sort of a dessert, I might just explode so I might die if he wasn't not the end all be all answer to everything. And if I don't like eating. I'm telling you right now, like kids don't want to eat that dessert all the time. I was actually speaking at the Forbes luxury travel guide right before this all game toe. Hold all this travel, which was so ironic. Yeah, that I just posted on Instagram less than a month ago on stage with Dr Sanjay Gupta. We're talking about how to stay healthy, why you travel in the novel Senate. The world comes to all. Yeah, but yeah, I mean, it's just it's so important that people in this day and age can be able to travel the only that they wanted to throw in the places that they want to go and be able to get the kind of food that they want to have.

spk_0:   26:25
Yeah, So remind your for just tuning in, drop a question. And when you drop the question, I'm gonna give you $25 off to Daily Harvest. So there's that. If anyone has questions, how much, then I have a 1,000,000 for you. So what? Dignity? What have you noticed? Has been, like the biggest challenge. Go into these hotels and, like either, you know, sharing with them and saying, Hey, like, this is what's going on. These are the demands that aren't being met. You know, I can help you meet them. Like what kind of have you had resistance? Like, what do these hotels say to you? Are they typically because

spk_1:   26:55
you guys have a lot of resistance? Yeah, but summer summer more open. It usually takes a champion. I know what my my I have to say. Probably my favorite chef in the entire world to work with a chef. Jorge Garcia. Um uh, Hurry. Guards all is down in Mexico. These last night's intolerant, and so he himself is desperate and in need of a dairy free option. Yeah. So to be able to teach, like, different techniques, because that's really what it is. Yeah, it's just a different mindset of cooking. And once you get into that, it could be so easy. So you know, a lot of shots so I can make a begin dish, but they're really just like growing vegetables and putting off late. Yeah. So, um, once they realize that I can teach a whole nother theory on how to compose a dish on a plate and howto really make it something special and not just a side dish yet. A little bit bigger. Yeah. Yeah. Then then then it's cooking. And then we have fun, and I love collaborations. I think that's one of the things that make successful working with these places That is not a dictatorship. I have not walk in and say, Here's the recipe. Looking exactly like this. Yes, all there is to it. I come in with all of the techniques. I coupled with a look of my recipes and ideas, and we work on them together.

spk_0:   28:17
Yeah. Have you noticed, like, a zit ever happened to you where you got into a property and there's been pushback from, like, the chef there?

spk_1:   28:26
Um, not when some hired, because I'm already of awesome.

spk_0:   28:29
Yeah, I guess I really can't think. E Yes. Okay. We'll do. Quinn will work with you. Yeah, I guess there's no choice in that matter.

spk_1:   28:37
Yeah. I mean, sometimes sometimes there's a little skepticism until I start, okay. And then they're like, Oh, this is new. This is different. And, look, chefs love, love, learning needs and new ingredients and new ways of making things. So if I have something to offer. Then they're excited. If I show them how do you know? Put a piece of proto you wanna play. They're not interested.

spk_0:   29:02
Yeah, I could do that. And I am, like, the furthest thing from culinary Really Anything that cats on this call if she can, she can attest. Like, No, I'm real bad. Like I I I'm just terrible. So

spk_1:   29:14
I don't know that you're,

spk_0:   29:15
um I didn't instagram the other day where I tried to make pancakes and I went to flip it and it broke into pieces. So it looks like scrambled eggs. So, no, I'm not going

spk_1:   29:24
to talk about one of my cooking retreats.

spk_0:   29:25
I would love

spk_1:   29:27
once they're up and running again,

spk_0:   29:28
way at once. Everything goes back to normal. I would love, you know, I love to travel anyway, and I do want to learn how to cook. I just I need someone to, like, explain everything to me like I'm in kindergarten.

spk_1:   29:41
Well, that's what we d'oh. And that's it. I mean, when I take workers to Italy of the house that we get, it has a giant organic farm attached to it. And so we're going into the far more picking things from the ground. I'm teaching you about growing them and using them and how to use them here. That we're going to the farmer's market and getting the freshest thing is that, you know, are their offer. And it's it's all hands on super technique.

spk_0:   30:08
Well, I'm down, I'm down term. I mean,

spk_1:   30:11
I think that might be one of the first places I want to go after all these back to Italy because I think they're gonna need help more than any country in the world. Get back on their feet As a country that relies solely on their tourism, I just It breaks my heart to talk to my friends there and to hear what's happening in the all you know, I don't know what they're gonna do. Honestly. I mean, Italy doesn't have a tours in the summer I'm worried about. I

spk_0:   30:38
mean, that's, you know, Spain to like Madrid, Madrid. I mean, all of it. It's just those countries that are locked down and shut down. It's just heartbreaking, because if people are gonna be scared to go back, But truly, you know, I I can't wait to get on an airplane and go south and go anywhere. You don't just support another Another place. Um, I'm super excited. So how are you? How are you dealing with all of this world War? And now, like I've noticed, you've been cooking a lot. And I actually, like, took a screenshot of your mac and cheese because I'm going to make it, um, good haven't yet, but I mean

spk_1:   31:16
I mean, as somebody who's on a plane almost every week. It's really bizarre sweet home, but it's also really amazing. I love my place. And so to spend time here and it's been so lovely and yeah, and I'm in the kitchen and I'm suing a lot more If you fall along, there'll be some fun projects coming up because not only am I gonna do more cooking videos on my instagram, I'm gonna do cooking videos on some other fun people's instagrams too. So

spk_0:   31:45
if you want to come save me mind you want to come to you when I'm gone? Because you can

spk_1:   31:48
uh, yeah,

spk_0:   31:52
I feel like you could help me a little bit because, uh

spk_1:   31:55
waken d'oh! You know what we should do? You should take a picture of your refrigerator for me, and I will come up with a recipe that we could bake and we can just alive and I'll walk you through making the Dutch on that.

spk_0:   32:08
I love that. It's got to be super easy, though, like, really easy and the seals knives, tear a family. Okay,

spk_1:   32:16
all this stuff that I do online is all really easy. Like that Mac and cheese recipe. The soft We not start the Mac and cheese recipe that I put in the four Seasons, but that's the Mac and cheese recipe that I'm telling you. You could make it home right now with the ingredients in your candidate. Yeah, we don't have Thio go out to the store and get anything too fancy. You should have those things in your house already.

spk_0:   32:34
Well, I just

spk_1:   32:34
think it's easiest.

spk_0:   32:36
Yeah, like, really? Like i e I ordered from sprouts just now because we did a wine chat last night. Like I launch this thing called Corrine Swine,

spk_1:   32:44
huh? And

spk_0:   32:44
it's 5 30 every Wednesday, just a bunch of us get on and drink wine and talk. And, uh, one of the girls on the chat was making these little like peanut butter protein balls. And I'm like, uh, how do you make fat? And so she sent me the recipe. I'm like, Oh, I can totally do that. So I just ordered some stuff from Sprout so I could do it. And, you know, just have I'm so bored of my food, um, made stromboli last night, which was amazing, but

spk_1:   33:09
yeah, but

spk_0:   33:10
make it like, literally. My friend Vince turned good pie, gave me all the ingredients and told me what to dio and I just went, assembled it and put in the oven. And my smoke alarm went off, like, three times. I'm like, out of

spk_1:   33:22
your time here, Eddie.

spk_0:   33:23
I don't It can't be. I've literally cooked, like, one thing in my oven. My entire board have years living here. No, no. And I'm on the phone with my friend Jess, who's one of my chefs from James Beard. And she's like, Why's your your thing going off? Like, I don't know. And she asked you what's burning like nothing's burning. I don't understand. So it was Can we do something? It doesn't evolve it up in.

spk_1:   33:45
Yeah, Okay. We'll do something Stovetop.

spk_0:   33:47
Okay, I'll show you my pots and pans too, because you might not. It's about it's

spk_1:   33:51
a letter. Okay. Your kitchen. And Okay, look, I'm telling you, I can cook anywhere with anything, okay? I put in 1/3 World country in townships over an open fire. I have cooked so many bizarre, crazy places You don't have to have anything fancy or make something that tastes okay.

spk_0:   34:09
Then we'll do that. Um, speaking of, like, bizarre and everything. What's like the mo like, what's the dish like? You are just the proudest up, like the most creative thing you've ever made were like, Damn, that's a cool dish.

spk_1:   34:22
We'll have to come to the Four Seasons and tell me

spk_0:   34:24
that's not fair, because I can't go anywhere right now. Okay,

spk_1:   34:29
let me, you know, that's a really good question. It's a really good question, and I actually I'm not entirely sure that I know the answer to it because I'm coming up with in creating musings almost every day. Try Thio a little challenging to find inspiration during this time. Um, but I am hoping that it will come within the next couple of days, and I would get really freedom. Uh, jeez, There's so many dishes that are kind of classic dishes that I that I've loved doing.

spk_0:   35:00
How about this? What's your favorite ingredient to use?

spk_1:   35:04
Who? Tomatoes. They're so versatile. You can do so many things.

spk_0:   35:10
So we've got okay. Next time you come to town, I'm gonna take you to a restaurant called CDO. And they're like a Spanish tapas they have Oscar Amador was one of the chefs that came with me to the first time in New York for James Beard. And they're tasting menu there. Begin tasting menu. It's phenomenal. And they have their dessert. It's next. Immobilized tomatoes. Did I say that? Right. So

spk_1:   35:31
no, But I let you. How do you say it? Nick's thio yet? Tomatoes are frantic. Fantastical dessert. They're fantastic. Savory. They're fantastic. Sweet. They're fantastic. Raw, that fantastic Cook stewed, dehydrated savi There's so many dance that you can do with tomatoes.

spk_0:   35:51
I do love me. Some tomatoes. Um Okay, so we're gonna when you can come back to Vegas, we're gonna go there, and we're gonna eat all their good food. I literally like whenever you come here, I get to see you like just a hot second. But I want to take it like everywhere in this

spk_1:   36:06
city. I'm always running in and out of town, and we went to a great place the last time I was there.

spk_0:   36:12
Truth and tonic. Yeah, that's the city's first, um, begin that restaurant on the strip.

spk_1:   36:19
Yeah, that place is really good. I get mad props to the shops there.

spk_0:   36:23
Yeah, he's really He's incredibly super into health and wellness. So, like, you know, 99% of the stuff there, it's all super just pure. You know, I think what he's got, just egg and then maybe a mock meat. But other than that, like, it's all just Oh, it

spk_1:   36:39
was very clean.

spk_0:   36:41
Beautiful. You can see the ingredients, which I just love that, um yeah, so in your travels,

spk_1:   36:46
vegetables and fruits are so beautiful when you couldn't just let them sing on the plate. It's so much better and it's you just feel like your soul is being bad. Health and gassed dealer living nourish

spk_0:   37:00
that. That's a bad word. Nourishes a great word for and, uh, I'm waiting like Vegas hasn't hit that point with our vegan restaurants, where it's all of that, like we've got a few that have a few dishes. But like that, you know, the those those those restaurants, that's all just beautiful, nourishing food. And like a really like, nourishing like location. It's just I am craving for that in Vegas so badly, like just that place where you can go every day. OK, not every day, but,

spk_1:   37:27
well, hotel years. Let me know if you want to do a vegan restaurant, right? It's already

spk_0:   37:33
Oh, my gosh, Let go. You know, I would love I would love that if you came here more.

spk_1:   37:38
I've been letting you rush on Megan's. There aren't very many places that I would do a brick and mortar Russia. And I would totally do a restaurant like this.

spk_0:   37:44
I hope someone's listening to that. That could make that decision and help us. Please. That would be amazing.

spk_1:   37:50
So accurate Agrees. I just always Yeah,

spk_0:   37:55
yeah. So if anyone has questions, ask, um So your hand sanitizer What? I just looked one day I'm like, oh, lessons making hand sanitizer. What? I mean, obviously I'm guessing

spk_1:   38:08
sanitizer because I felt helpless when this all came to a grinding halt. I said, All right, well, let me teach people how to make their own homemade c hand sanitizer. I did a video, and the people would like to just buy it from you. She was like, Yeah, sure. No. I'm sending out hundreds of packages. So if you would like hand sanitizer, I have plenty. But top ingredients all over the good of using fresh talavera leaves and essential oils. And in 99% alcohol, which is the most important thing, which is sword. Yeah, it was one season I had. Like, I had like a dealer. I had a special alcohol do it got right, so, you know, not like 30 gallons about fall. So if you guys want some hand sanitizer, how much on my background

spk_0:   38:55
do you have a lot left, like Do you have enough product left to keep making it?

spk_1:   38:59
You know, I have plenty of product laps. Okay, So get it. I have like this because I need I feel like I'm at least contributing. And I'm being productive. Yeah. I can't cook for everybody on Earth and ship it all over the place, but I can I can make hand sanitizer, chip. It means looking good. You ship. Although I thought about. I thought long and hard about doing cookies and shipping

spk_0:   39:25
like please do cookies and ship them. I like peanut butter. The

spk_1:   39:29
pump is its heart. They're hard to ship. And I'm worried that they would just come in like one giant congealed ball if I don't individually wrapped up and then he's in so much plastic.

spk_0:   39:38
Well, I mean, I kind of feel like if I got a shipment of cookies and it was one big giant Baldwin care. I just want cookies. Just just feed me cookies, please.

spk_1:   39:49
Oh, well, I mean, I would love to do it. I would logistically have to figure out how to do it, because I do. I mean, I feel for all of those people that don't really cook. And like you said, you're getting epically board because your repertoire is not that big when it comes to rest of Hughes. And so I would I would love people thio to feed everybody. I don't think I can feed everybody at the moment, but it would logistically, it's It's rather difficult, but that's why I love doing these videos online. And, you know, maybe teaching somebody something new and something they did before and hopefully, you know, having a little fun. We did. I did an instagram live, uh, last weekend, I made homemade pasta was just the sauce. It went really, really well. And so many people made it. It was so fun to see everybody's pictures. They were also seemed to send it to me. And, uh, yeah, it was really It was really cool. And a nice community building. They go and wouldn't be doing lives on the regular now with cooking classes. I'm gonna try and send out that last week and I said that the ingredient list, like, not with enough time for a lot of people to get it together. So try and do it a couple days that had attacked this time.

spk_0:   41:01
Yeah, Just go on,

spk_1:   41:02
then. If there's a recipe that you want to learn to, please let me know I'm comin here or or do you have anything I'm

spk_0:   41:11
like? No, I want to learn everything. So in my eye went to Whole Foods last week and my friend was talking about making bread, and I'm like, I'm gonna make bread. So I went and I bought, like, six packets of used. And I'm like, Okay, I'm gonna make bread. And my friend said the recipe and I'm like, Oh, my God, I'm not gonna make bread like no. Yeah, it's hard. I want, Like, I just want to

spk_1:   41:32
spring for it is an art for bread is an art form. Yeah, I'm not I mean, you can make it. You can mix together flour, water used and put it in your oven, and you will get a bread like some stuff.

spk_0:   41:42
That's what I want

spk_1:   41:43
that you're not. You know what you're looking for? Just doing it like that. You gotta make you know Nancy's Silver Sin is one of my culinary icons. And I mean she if you watch any of her bios. I mean, she is the queen of breath. She's the queen of Rome and she talks about making, you know, 500 versions of Ah, hello. Before getting the right one.

spk_0:   42:05
I go. I don't think I have patients.

spk_1:   42:07
Probably not the one for you to start.

spk_0:   42:09
No. And I don't know patients. So let us rise. I don't think either. Like I I want it. I want instant gratification food more than anything else I think, like, but

spk_1:   42:18
Okay. So really fast recipes

spk_0:   42:20
Well, or just not accomplish. Like I don't wanna have to wait eight hours to my bread to rise to bake it. Okay, Look, you know, I mean, I have how many hours of the day now where I'm you know, I'm not like doing stuff like this or like doing vegans baby stuff. Literally. I got nothing. So I'm down to, like, cook stuff. Oh, and also not a lot of knife skills, because I can't. I can't. I'm real bad at it, so

spk_1:   42:46
Okay, Okay. We'll make it simple, but well, tell me your fever twos and I'll teach you to cook on pizza. You just didn't even want something that rises. I know,

spk_0:   42:57
but it's good. Oh, Kat says she'll definitely watch a live stream with me and you cook

spk_1:   43:04
it sounds like it's gonna happen. So now I mean, we just in l a We just found out we're locked down until at least may know it's no thing to do, my dear.

spk_0:   43:14
Oh, my God. I don't know how I feel about that. Oh,

spk_1:   43:17
yeah. It means that your is that he's coming next.

spk_0:   43:20
Oh, God. I mean, honestly, like, I just want at this point, I just want to know, like, what I need to mentally prepare myself for cause I feel like we're in this weird state of like, Okay, well, the casinos are shut through April 15 they think, but now they're accepting reservations, starting on the 17 that I'm just like, I don't think that's happening, but just just having some sort of like, Well, Diana, you're in this for the next six weeks. Like I just want someone to, like, sit down and tell me really nicely like, Hey, guess what? Your home through May Furs, you know, And at least I have that I can, like, prepare for its I'm really glad you at least know that. Um,

spk_1:   43:57
well, I mean, it's it's not a definite date. And I think that's the thing that I think most people that I'm talking thio are having the hardest time with with all of this, is that there's doesn't seem to really be a plan. No, no planets they home and don't do anything which is not blue. Plame. No. Uh, so I I think there are a lot of people, including myself, who are regimented people who have courage, Elinor. Scheduled out to the minute, right? Or like, you gotta give me something more that I could work. That is again, like, you know, all my projects. When are they starting? When? When I have all of them crept out. Ready to go? I have so many projects this year. And no, I've got so excited about it. I think I shared some with you. I can't share them publicly, unfortunately yet. But, um, I'm ready to go. Yeah, like, I don't want my tool kits like, Bye bye bye bye bye. Like so this is ready. I'm just, like, ready to go?

spk_0:   44:53
No, but you're gonna have to just pause indefinitely like I can't with the indefinite leg. Yeah, and now, you know,

spk_1:   45:01
it's real hard on. Um it's coming out hard for a lot of people. Financially, this is a really scary time again. It if I can teach people how to make some food from some simple ingredients that can last a long time. I'm gonna like It will be helpful.

spk_0:   45:17
You know, I'm taking you up on that like a soon as we're off of this like

spk_1:   45:20
a bank. You can walk your refrigerator right now. I gotta tell you how to make something.

spk_0:   45:25
Well, I'm not walking, you know, I'm not doing it when people can see me. Just mean you. It does

spk_1:   45:32
me. No, I think the whole paint is I think other people want to see this because you're not the only one. Yeah, that's what you have to remember is that you're not the only one with a refrigerator that looks like your friends are

spk_0:   45:43
here. And actually, like, when I think about it, my refrigerator really isn't that bad. Like I've got chocolate, Thomas, I've got tangerines. I've got a

spk_1:   45:52
plan. Sounds delicious together right there. See, I chipped between dreams in the chocolate lovers because that sounds amazing.

spk_0:   45:59
No, I haven't done that. I just do strawberries, which are coming from sprouts any day. Any second now. Um, well, so you

spk_1:   46:04
don't need me, But rich in dreams,

spk_0:   46:06
I have kimchi. I pickles. I have a little Oh, I forgot to order more plant based milk. Well, a little bit of plant based look left.

spk_1:   46:15
Well, do you have any nuts in your house?

spk_0:   46:18
Well, you want me to make enough milk

spk_1:   46:20
Yeah, it's so easy.

spk_0:   46:22
Okay. I don't have a cheesecloth.

spk_1:   46:25
You don't need one.

spk_0:   46:26
Okay. Well, then, think you're ready to be out of your blood. I have a Nutribullet.

spk_1:   46:31
I will order in a neutral.

spk_0:   46:34
Also, When I went to break get my brother the other day, I was talking to a friend. She's like, Well, do you have a KitchenAid? Him? Like, I have a Nutribullet and she's like to have a doe book. I'm like What? No, I did not prepare

spk_1:   46:45
not making dough in the kitchen a new trouble. And

spk_0:   46:48
no. And then also, we'll just get

spk_1:   46:50
you to make a bowl of dinner like this thing.

spk_0:   46:52
That's not gonna make me happy at all.

spk_1:   46:54
You could probably make that milk in a neutral. And I'm sure they're people on here that can tell you that I don't have one, but, um, I've been to anything. You can't just need to boil the nets so that they're softer and then threw him, and there was some water and milk.

spk_0:   47:07
Okay, you're gonna teach me to do that? Because I have all my daily harvest meals that require No, I totally like I totally forgot. I ordered Ben and Jerry's because I need my leg. I don't know

spk_1:   47:18
which later

spk_0:   47:19
this is peanut butter and crunch.

spk_1:   47:23
Did the one with the Oreo cookies in the peanut butter? That's my paper. One of their I I was never gonna move.

spk_0:   47:30
Oh, okay, Yes. So I normally have Ben and Jerry's, but then I'm sorry, I only have anatomy, but they were out the other week, so I ordered the peanut butter crunch. It's a life changing, but not a moving

spk_1:   47:43
librarian thing.

spk_0:   47:45
Not amuse my favor. Like I tell everybody. Like, have no autumn you. If you've never had vegan ice cream, like go for the naughty mu. Um, my favorite is the mint chocolate chip, because that's legit.

spk_1:   47:54
And that's how it works, Right? Mint chocolate chip is in sync.

spk_0:   47:59
What about the marshmallow one that the sweet potato marshmallow one.

spk_1:   48:02
I like the marshmallow one. I look like I just got I just tried the strawberry cheesy Yes, handwriting. Or they had its roots. Um, by the way, we're playing sprouts. Uh, yes. So they had it and it's it's They're one of the newer flavor, and it was really good. It's nice lady over fresh ring. Okay, You're hardly eating dessert.

spk_0:   48:24
I mean, my mom's like today, and I don't eat a lot of it. I'm like Mom a pint. If it's only like 500 calories, it's fine. And she's like, Are you sure that's right? Yes, but no,

spk_1:   48:33
no, that's not right then.

spk_0:   48:35
No, I mean, I don't I don't sit down and eat a pint. Yeah,

spk_1:   48:38
because I think the serving size on the Ben and Jerry's, which is a joke. I think the courts the little size. I think that's four servings.

spk_0:   48:45
Well, Ben and Jerry's the calories are much, much

spk_1:   48:48
like servant

spk_0:   48:49
No, because I thought the I'm gonna

spk_1:   48:52
like crew splints that much ice cream with 60 Noah

spk_0:   48:57
pine, just like a one person. Maybe to like, I'll just sit there and right at first. Yeah, but like, I just live by myself, so I'll sit there and just, like, have, like, 45 spoons of it while I'm watching Netflix and put it away.

spk_1:   49:10
Oh yeah, I am. I am good at that time. I am good at the ones of ice cream where I get I think your leather ones like the most amazing still, with all of the all this stuff like you have to make sure you're getting everything in that fight, so you could just

spk_0:   49:25
So it's like the tables aboutthe keeping tables. Food? Yeah. I mean, I do that with peanut butter. Like this is one tablespoon cool, and I know it's probably five pile onto one.

spk_1:   49:35
I'm gonna apple peanut butter fans the nattering. That's what I've been having for lunch almost every day. I got all these beautiful apples and I'm having apples, and I did not. So do you like them that so peanut butter?

spk_0:   49:46
I don't know. What is it

spk_1:   49:46
about? There's no peanuts in it. It's a bunch of Friday of knights and flexes. And she is seeds. No,

spk_0:   49:52
but I'm gonna order it. Next time I go in, I go to order food because now I'm, like, really staying home like I'm like, Okay, you know, I was I was going out a little and like doing social distancing and like, interviewing chefs. But now I'm like, you know, we could do this on video like it's okay. I don't

spk_1:   50:08
think you understand.

spk_0:   50:09
Yeah, like I feel okay staying home. I mean, I was talking to a friend today and she's like, Well, we worked from home anyway. I'm like, Yeah, it's basically like nothing has changed except that we're not allowed to leave like I'm home all the time. But now it's like, No, you don't choice. You are home. Yeah,

spk_1:   50:23
I'm never home. You don't When I'm home, I mean, I'm out. Yeah, I'm on the beach from working out on the beach. I'm in restaurants and markets looking other people's houses. I'm like, I'm always doing something. It is weird. It feels really weird to be here.

spk_0:   50:40
So other than cooking and like hand sanitizer, what are you doing to stay like sane?

spk_1:   50:45
Well, I'm making a 3000 piece puzzle. That's about it at the scene. An African scene, because I was in Africa in January, and I'm so sad that I probably be ableto abs schedule to go back there in November. And now

spk_0:   51:07
I'm going to say yes because we need to have something to look forward. Thio. So I think you're going.

spk_1:   51:12
I don't think that I could go because I'm going to be doing other project. Okay, that's a vacation. I, uh I think all of my projects are gonna push into the vault. That's that's what I visualize at a crossing. My fingers, individualizing old by projects, are happening in the fall. So I don't know if I've got time to go.

spk_0:   51:32
That's fair. That's your trip to sow that. Are your trip like, really inspired me to go you and then my friend Jodie one right around the same time. And I'm like,

spk_1:   51:39
I know we were messaging. I miss it. We like I've been following each other around the globe. You were so law, right? I finally met her. I finally caught up with her in New York. We had followed each other forever before we actually met each other because we're never in the same city of the same time. But in random places like South Africa, ships passing in the night, barely missing each other. Yeah, so so happy. I got to connect with her very excited about everything that's happening and living kindly and all that she is accomplishing is very, very exciting.

spk_0:   52:10
I was in New York when she was there, and I'm like Joni, but, like, literally again passing in the night like I was leaving at three o'clock that afternoon I'm so bombed. So my trip to L. A was gonna be D c like you and her and then another friend of mine. And I'm like, not going anywhere. No time.

spk_1:   52:29
Wind drives wait to us.

spk_0:   52:32
I mean, can we even get

spk_1:   52:34
you can come by and I'll just talk to you from my balcony.

spk_0:   52:37
Five hour drive. No problem.

spk_1:   52:38
Hi. What else do you do it?

spk_0:   52:41
Right. That's fair. Fair? Um oh, God. Can you imagine if I did that? I mean, I'm not against it. I just want, like, I need nature, and we have nature here, but, like, I need water really badly.

spk_1:   52:58
I know. I'm not very blessed to live on the water. Very. Yeah,

spk_0:   53:02
it's just amazing. So, I mean, maybe I will. Who knows? Someone put it past me. Well, yeah. Give it. Let me let me see where Vega's isn't, like, a week. Um, so, you know, our mayor wants to open like tomorrow, which I mean, it's not Yeah, No, I'm just, like, really Our governor said wait a month, but she's like, 15 days is all we need, and I get it for the businesses because I'm a business and without these businesses open. I'm not open, but also I like staying healthy and I like people I love,

spk_1:   53:35
and I mean, it's the hotels we open. Do they have people saying in them, Do they have the tourists coming?

spk_0:   53:41
I think everyone's pretty much canceled for the mom.

spk_1:   53:43
I feel like all the conventions have been postponed. I mean, it's it's pretty well, yeah, but I'm excited. I'm really hoping that it's like a giant slingshot, so that as soon as we're all ready to do something, we all just attacked for

spk_0:   53:59
all that. I mean, I honestly can't wait for that day because everything was happening and going. And so I'm really looking forward to like the pause button being like and pause so we could just continue with our lives as we were smarter, cleaner on and a little more grateful, I think because it is. One thing I've learned like in the past week, is how grateful I am and how much more connected I am with my friends now, because, you know, like two weeks ago, it's like, Oh, if you want to see me, we've got a schedule, something on my calendar Two weeks out. And now it's like what you do. And you want to have a glass of wine and face time. Yep. Okay,

spk_1:   54:33
very. I hope that that continued, because I'm having this much fun face time with all my friends, just texting with them or, you know, in between something like really sitting down and face timing. And having just that connection is so great. It's an really love going outside and breathing there in Los Angeles, so

spk_0:   54:53
it's got to be so clean right now.

spk_1:   54:55
It's so clean. It's so nice the skies like a color blue that I've never seen it before. It's just so here, without any airplanes, it without any cars.

spk_0:   55:04
Yeah, I could see

spk_1:   55:06
that actually did drive across town the other day and there was nobody about it all. Vegas. There's still people on the freeway.

spk_0:   55:13
Oh, that's gonna be wild. Which one were you on?

spk_1:   55:18
Um, I was crossing the whole time in the four or five had no traffic either direction. That's Cree Wind and the 45 ever not have a drop?

spk_0:   55:26
No, I mean, it's like the walking dead where it's like the city's air there, but like, that's it like there's nobody there. It's It's like Vegas

spk_1:   55:34
stroll. It's not like we're walking done. Yeah, we're not. You know, I

spk_0:   55:39
don't want a zombie apocalypse because I it would be terrible, but it just the whole idea that, like how life is still right in front of you. But it's not there anymore. It's just it's a weird, like feeling tohave like going down the Strip like I've never seen Mr Black Fist like There's barricades, there's police, there's locks on the doors. But then you have, like, billboards for the Mayfair like next to the hotel, and it's just like, Whoa, yeah, it's just so weird like

spk_1:   56:04
this weird. And it's weird seeing all the shops closed and the Russians closed, I have to say, I mean, I just I can't stress this enough that I just pray that everybody just goes out to support those businesses. You and they come back. I hope they're gonna need it so much. I mean, as great as the big box start bought, big box stores are now in being able to get at us everything that we need. We really need support, has Mama pop shops that they're able to really, but

spk_0:   56:32
100% you know, so many of my friends were in the colon and industry. And just to see them, like having to close. And we're talking like some of the most talented chefs in this city, like are just shuddered. And it's just it's like I can't wait for them to be open. I can't wait to have money and to be like I'm going out and I'm buying myself a really a nice meal and I'm give it like and I'm sitting at your restaurant to do it. So, um, I think, like, what? What's your first we're going to be when you can leave?

spk_1:   56:57
That's a good question, I don't know. But I also I don't eat out in Los Angeles that much because when I'm here, I'm usually developing staff. Sure, my house. Okay, I always feel bad because people are like what you wish for. You push on the l. A. I I haven't been to all of the way because I could tell you why I gave the Russians in all the other cities in the world that I'm at all the time because I like eating out there. But here It's so what's so much tougher? So I don't know. You know what? Really? Well, it's why I made, like, a mushroom broth. You've got noodle dish the other night, which the recipes on my instagram if you want it because I'm kind of creating, um agent breathing Rahman and I'm craving sushi, and I don't have all my sins. She stopped at my house, so I don't have everything to make myself, and that's kind of annoying, but yeah, I don't know why I had to be proving agent keep making, like, worries that

spk_0:   57:53
I want Indian Gobi, Manchurian

spk_1:   57:57
Well, Indian because I went to I've been trying to go to the smaller markets to support them to, um And so I've been I went to the little Indian market. I went to the Mexican markets and just be a little Italian market. Just trying to support the smaller markets and make sure that was, you know, also, that's kind of a secret there. They're pretty well still.

spk_0:   58:16
Yeah, they have. They have stuff for sure? Yeah. No, we've been talking for an hour.

spk_1:   58:23
We really Yeah. Yeah. See, this is the thing about you and me. We can just talk forever. I can't wait to do this cooking lives thing. Yeah,

spk_0:   58:30
we're going to do that. But I'm gonna close out now and then Stay on. So we can

spk_1:   58:36
She's talking

spk_0:   58:37
to the finish. Our conversation. If anyone has any questions, speak now and yes, I could make out mochas. Well, cat,

spk_1:   58:46
cat, totally make over you. And you can totally make milk in your usual. That will work.

spk_0:   58:52
Okay, then I'll do that. That'll be you. One of you will tell me how to do that. Um, thank you, Leslie, for being a guest. I appreciate their I love you. I'm so excited to see once we're done with all of this. Like what the next year holds for you. I'm super excited. I can't wait to

spk_1:   59:09
get to where I wanted to see what happens in hell.

spk_0:   59:12
Thank you so much for being on. And, um, tune in next time, guys. Have a good one. Be safe. Be well. Bye. Thank you. Oh, I think

spk_1:   59:29
I think that's over. Said broadcast ended.

spk_0:   59:31
Okay, Cool. Okay, hold on. Oh, I just deleted that mission. Thank

spk_1:   59:37
you. You're so well. Uh,

spk_0:   59:40
you, um I mean, now I kind of do want to have a glass of wine, but that I'm just gonna get day drunk.

spk_1:   59:46
I know you Should. We have one? No, because I'm the game one first world problems. Yeah, I'd like Frank most of my inexpensive wines and now get into the really good stuff.

spk_0:   1:0:02
I've got a wine delivery coming from vegan wines and like, at some point today, So I've got, like, 3.5 bottles of shitty wine left, but I'm gonna keep order in this city. Want to?

spk_1:   1:0:11
I don't know. For more on this show and other good Ford podcasts, head over to vegans avery dot com. Thanks for listening. Who will catch you next time?